Timex Heart Rate Monitor W270 EU 103 095001 User Manual

Digital Heart Rate Monitor  
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Seite 219  
Nederlands pagina 265  
W270 EU 103-095001  
rECall ...............................................................................................................21  
Reviewing your Workout Data..........................................................................22  
Locking Workouts in Recall ..............................................................................23  
hrM SETUP........................................................................................................24  
To Set a Target Heart Rate Zone.......................................................................24  
To Choose a Target Heart Rate Zone................................................................25  
Digital Heart Rate Monitor Notes & Tips ..........................................................26  
USEr INFo..........................................................................................................26  
CarE & MaINTENaNCE....................................................................................28  
Digital Heart Rate Monitor................................................................................28  
Digital Heart Rate Sensor Battery ....................................................................29  
Watch Battery...................................................................................................31  
INDIGlo® NIGhT-lIGhT......................................................................................31  
WaTEr rESISTaNCE..........................................................................................31  
Digital Heart Rate Sensor .................................................................................32  
WarraNTy & SErvICE.....................................................................................32  
FCC NoTICE (U.S.) / IC NoTICE (CaNaDa)......................................................35  
DEClaraTIoN oF CoNForMITy.....................................................................36  
Thank you for purchasing your new Timex® Ironman® Target Trainer  
Heart Rate Monitor watch with TapScreenTechnology. This new  
generation of performance tools was developed in conjunction with  
world-renowned athletes who helped make sure that the Target  
Trainer watch’s features are relevant to your training needs. If you  
are running for the first time or training for your 10th marathon, this  
watch will help you along your way.  
With your purchase of this Timex® Ironman® Digital Heart Rate  
Monitor you have hired a new personal trainer. Your Digital Heart  
Rate Monitor offers you the ability to track, store, and analyze key  
indicators of your personal fitness level over 3 workouts.  
You will find your Digital Heart Rate Monitor to be a user-friendly  
fitness tool. But, like any new device, you should take the time to  
familiarize yourself with its components to optimize its usefulness.  
So, check out the features and functions of your Digital Heart Rate  
Monitor to develop a basic understanding of this fitness tool. But  
most of all, enjoy your new partner on the road to increased fitness!  
Print resources  
a Fit heart  
heart Zones® Tools for Success (U.S. customers only):  
Information to use your Digital Heart Rate Monitor in conjunction  
with the Heart Zones® Training System fitness program, meant to  
help you to increase the strength and endurance of your heart.  
Recent fitness findings indicate that anyone can get fit and stay fit  
without being overzealous. It can be as simple as:  
• Exercising 3 to 4 times per week.  
• Exercising for 30 to 45 minutes during each exercise session.  
• Exercising at the appropriate heart rate.  
Heart rate represents the effects of exercise on all parts of the  
body. Selecting the appropriate heart rate zone conditions the  
heart, lungs, and muscles to perform at optimal levels to get and  
keep your body in shape. Once set, your Digital Heart Rate Monitor  
can automatically show you when you are in the exercise zone  
you choose and signal you when you are not. It can help keep your  
body exercising at an intensity level that can help you achieve your  
desired fitness objectives without over or under exercising.  
Web resources  
Timex® websites offer beneficial information to help you optimize  
your Digital Heart Rate Monitor.  
• Register your product at www.timex.com.  
• Visit www.timex.com/hrm/ for more information on Timex®  
Heart Rate Monitors, including product features and simulations.  
• Visit www.timextrainer.com for fitness and training tips using  
Timex® Heart Rate Monitors.  
This is not a medical device and is not recommended for use  
by persons with serious heart conditions. Consult your physi-  
cian before beginning any exercise program.  
Interference with the radio signal, poor contact between your skin  
and the Digital Heart Rate Sensor, or other factors may prevent  
accurate transmission of heart rate data.  
Hourglass icon indicates the watch is timing your workout in  
Interval Timer or Timer Mode.  
j Repeat icon in Interval Timer or Timer Mode indicates you have  
set the timer to repeat at the end of a countdown cycle.  
Alarm clock icon indicates you have set the alarm to alert you  
at a designated time.  
Melody icon indicates you have set the hourly chime to sound  
every hour on the hour.  
Small heart/timer icon in Time of Day or Recovery Mode when  
the watch is tracking a heart rate recovery.  
Indicates the TapScreenTechnology is activated.  
Indicates that the Night-Mode® feature is active and any  
button press will illuminate the INDIGLO® night-light.  
hEarT raTE  
Watch Modes  
Press MODE to cycle through the watch main functions  
TIME > ChroNo > INTErval TIMEr > TIMEr > rECovEry >  
rECall > hrM SETUP > USEr INFo > alarM  
Most modes use the watch buttons in the same way, and button  
labels are displayed on-screen close to the button.  
SToP/rESET/SET (DoNE) = enter, accept and exit  
MoDE (NEXT) = advance to next setting option  
STarT/SPlIT (+) = increase/advance the setting value  
hEarT raTE(-) = decrease/reverse the setting value  
Display Icons and Descriptions  
Flashing heart icon indicates watch is searching for a signal  
from the Digital Heart Rate Sensor. This icon will flash as long  
as the watch receives a signal from the Digital Heart Rate  
Stopwatch icon indicates the watch is timing your workout in  
Chrono Mode.  
Note: Hold either button to rapidly increase/advance or decrease/  
reverse the setting value.  
For setting, press STOP/RESET/SET and then follow the instructional  
prompts (+, –, NEXT, DONE) that appear on the display.  
Light exercise  
50% to 60%  
Maintain a healthy heart and  
get fit  
Determining your optimal heart rate Zone  
There are five basic heart rate target zones. Simply select a zone  
that matches your percent of maximum (%) heart rate based on the  
fitness goal you want to achieve during a particular exercise. Before  
you can set your %, you first need to determine your maximum  
heart rate. You can use many methods to estimate your maximum  
heart rate. The booklet “Heart Zones® Tools For Success” included in  
your Personal Heart Rate Monitor packaging (U.S. customers only)  
provides excellent procedures and Timex recommends you use one  
of these methodologies.  
60% to 70%  
70% to 80%  
Weight management  
Aerobic base building  
Lose weight and burn fat  
Increase stamina and aerobic  
80% to 90%  
Optimal conditioning  
Sustain excellent fitness  
90% to 100%  
Elite athletic training  
Achieve superb athletic condition  
However, if you cannot use any of the procedures you might  
consider using the government recommended age-based method.  
Begin with the number 220 and then subtract your age. For  
instance, a 35-year old would begin with 220 and subtract 35  
(her age), which gives an estimated maximum heart rate of 185.  
Once you know your maximum heart rate, you can set the zones  
described in the following table.  
before you begin  
Once you have determined your fitness goal and maximum heart  
rate, Timex recommends you input this information into the HRM  
SETUP Mode. This will allow you to tailor your Digital Heart Rate  
Monitor to your personal parameters.  
To Use your Digital heart rate Monitor  
1. Wet the Digital Heart Rate Sensor pads.  
2. Center the Sensor on your chest with the  
Timex® logo facing up and out and fasten it  
firmly, just below your sternum.  
3. Standing at least six feet (two meters) away  
from other heart rate monitors or other  
sources of radio or electrical interference, press MODE until your  
desired mode appears. You can view heart rate information in  
Time of Day, Chrono, Interval Timer or Timer Modes.  
4. Press the HEART RATE button on your watch if the flashing heart  
icon does not appear.  
NO HRM DATA on the watch display. Try the following:  
• Shorten the distance between the watch and the Digital Heart  
Rate Sensor.  
• Adjust the position of the Digital Heart Rate Sensor and elastic  
chest strap.  
• Make sure the Digital Heart Rate Sensor pads are wet.  
5. Begin your workout.  
NoTE: The watch automatically records your heart rate and other  
statistical data about your workout (available in Review Mode) only  
if you run Chrono Mode during your workout.  
• Check the battery in the Digital Heart Rate Sensor and replace it  
if necessary.  
• Move away from other heart rate monitors or other sources of  
radio or electrical interference.  
6. If the watch is set to alert you when you go above or below your  
chosen target heart rate zone press and hold HEART RATE to  
turn the audible alert off. Otherwise it will continue beeping until  
you return to your target zone. When you are turning the audible  
alert off, you will see the message HOLD ALERT OFF. Continue  
pressing HEART RATE until you see the message AUDIBLE ALERT  
OFF. Conversely, when you are turning the audible alert on, you  
will see the message HOLD ALERT ON. Continue pressing HEART  
RATE until you see the message AUDIBLE ALERT ON.  
7. When you have finished your workout in Chrono Mode, press  
STOP/RESET/SET to stop recording data for the workout, and  
press and hold STOP/RESET/SET to save your workout.  
8. Press MODE until you see Review Mode. This Mode includes  
heart rate and other statistical data about your workout.  
The TapScreenTechnology works with one firm tap on the watch  
face. TapScreenTechnology is used for CHRONO, INTERVAL TIMER,  
and TIMER modes. The tap sensitivity can be adjusted to light (LITE),  
medium (MED), hard (HARD), or off (OFF). The watch comes with a  
medium default setting.  
1. In TIME mode press and hold the STOP/RESET/SET button.  
2. Press the MODE (NEXT) button until TAP FORCE appears.  
3. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to select LITE, MED,  
HARD, or OFF for the tap force.  
• We recommend you select your TAP FORCE depending on the  
activity you are performing: Walking (LITE), Running (MED),  
Biking (HARD) and Swimming (HARD).  
Digital heart rate Monitor Notes & Tips  
The watch and the Digital Heart Rate Sensor need to be within three  
feet (one meter) of each other to function properly. If the watch is  
not receiving heart rate information, you may receive the message  
• If you are experiencing higher TAP activations inadvertently,  
move your tap force to the next level.  
• You can easily switch from TIME 1 to TIME 2 and vice versa by  
• If you are in a triathlon transition or just changing clothes, we  
recommend you press MODE to switch to the TIME mode to  
avoid accidental tap activation of the chronograph which will  
continue running in the background.  
pressing and holding the START/SPLIT button for 5 seconds.  
The chronograph will time and record your workout session. During  
your event, recording laps/splits will give you real-time feedback  
to pace yourself and allow you to adjust your effort to meet your  
overall training goals.  
Return to CHRONO when you are finished.  
TIME oF Day  
1. Press MODE until Time of Day appears.  
2. Press and hold STOP/RESET/SET to start.  
Lap is the time to complete an individual segment of your workout.  
Split is the cumulative time from the beginning to that specific point  
in your workout. Below is an example of a 4-mile run. The runner  
records laps/splits every mile.  
3. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to increase or decrease  
or select values for Time Zone (1 or 2), Hours, Minutes, Seconds,  
Month, Day, Date, Year, 12/24-Hour Format, Date Format, Hourly  
Chime, Button Beep and Tap Force.  
4. Press NEXT to set each field as desired and proceed to the next  
5. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to exit.  
• The date format can be selected as month-date (MMM-DD),  
day-month (DD, MMM), month-day-year (MM-DD-YY) or  
day-month-year (DD.MM.YY).  
Second Time Zone  
Your watch has two time zones that are useful when you are travel-  
ling to a place with a different time zone or when you are switching  
to daylight savings time.  
This watch records up to 100 hours and counts up to 200 laps. It  
stores the most recent 200 laps in Recall Mode.  
4. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to exit or press MODE (NEXT) to  
set up the Target Time feature (described later in this section).  
Using the Chronograph  
1. In CHRONO Mode, TAP your screen to START.  
2. TAP your screen every time you need to log a LAP/ SPLIT.  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to finish.  
If you are receiving a heart rate signal, you have further options for  
the Chrono display.  
4. Press and Hold STOP/RESET/SET to reset the CHRONO.  
Press HEART RATE to change to:  
WKOUT SAVED will appear in your screen to notify you that your  
workout was automatically saved, and can be viewed in Recall  
• Heart rate on top line with Chrono on middle and bottom lines  
• Heart rate on middle lines with Chrono on top and bottom lines  
• Heart rate only data  
• Chrono only data  
• You can also use the START/SPLIT button to start your chrono  
and take laps.  
• Unless workouts are locked, saving a workout will replace the  
oldest workout in memory.  
• You can take up to 200 laps across three workouts. Please  
consider that each succeeding workout will require three laps  
of storage that will be used to stamp the time/date, target time,  
and delta times for that workout.  
Because pace is important to achieve your goals, a built-in audible  
tracker indicates whether your target lap times are achieved. Rise  
above or fall below your predetermined target times, and varying  
chimes and messages will provide feedback. Slow beeps indicate  
you’re behind pace (SLOW), a single beep lets you know you’re  
on pace (ON-PACE) and rapid beeps tell you are ahead (FAST). The  
screen will also display your performance data.  
Changing the Chronograph Display Format  
This determines what is shown in middle and bottom lines of the  
display. The middle line has the larger font. You have the option for  
1. Press Mode until CHRONO appears.  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to start setting.  
Setting the Target Time Pacer  
1. Press MODE until CHRONO appears (Chrono reads 00:00:00 or  
press STOP/RESET/SET to reset).  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to start setting.  
3. Press MODE (NEXT) button until TARGET TIME appears.  
4. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to turn TARGET TIME ON  
or OFF.  
3. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to select the display  
5. If you select ON, press the MODE (NEXT) button until Target Pace  
(TRGT PACE) appears.  
6. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to enter the Target Pace  
per lap time in hours (HH), minutes (MM) and seconds (SS).  
Target Pace per lap can be set from a minimum of 1 minute  
(1.00) to a maximum of 1 hour (1:00.00).  
7. Press MODE (NEXT) button to enter the (TRGT RANGE) which is  
the margin of error (+/-) you are willing to consider your lap as  
“ON-PACE”. When Target Range appears, enter minutes (MM)  
and seconds (SS).  
The optional hydration and nutrition timers will prompt you when  
it’s time to drink or eat. This countdown timer will repeat and will  
run parallel to your chronograph.  
Setting the hydration and Nutrition Timers  
1. Press MODE until CHRONO appears.  
2. Press SET to start.  
3. Press MODE (NEXT) button until Hydration (DRINK) appears.  
4. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to turn it ON.  
8. Press MODE (NEXT) button until Target Distance (TARGET DIST)  
5. Press MODE (NEXT) button to move to the time section and press  
START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to set the time.  
9. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to select either OFF or  
6. Press MODE (NEXT) to select and to repeat the setting process  
for the Nutrition (EAT) timer.  
10. If you select ON, press MODE (NEXT) button until Target Distance  
(TARGET DIST) appears.  
7. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to finish.  
INTErval TIMEr WITh labElS  
11. Press START/SPLIT(+) or HEART RATE (-) and MODE (NEXT) to set  
Complex interval training routines become automatic and effortless  
with two interval programs, each with up to 8 labeled intervals  
that can be started or stopped with the TapScreenTechnology  
interface. We also added labels to help you see the intensity you  
should follow in your training (Interval #, WARM, SLOW, MED, FAST  
and COOL).  
the Target Distance number.  
12. Press MODE (NEXT) to set the Target Distance Unit.  
13. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to select either miles  
(MI) or kilometers (KM).  
14. To finish, press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE). If a Total Target  
Distance was set, the watch will estimate and display your  
TARGET TOTAL time based on the Target Pace and Target  
Distance you just provided in previous steps.  
Setting Interval Timers  
1. Press MODE until INT TIMER appears.  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to select the workout you want to use  
(WKOUT-1 or 2) using the (+) or (-), and press MODE (NEXT).  
• If your workout was set with REPEAT AT END, you will see the  
repetition counter on the bottom line.  
3. To select the interval (1-8) press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE  
3. Tap the watch lens, or press STOP/RESET to stop the Interval  
Timer once you reach all the repetitions that you need to do.  
4. Press MODE (NEXT) to set the interval time (HH:MM: SS) with  
4. When finished, press and hold STOP/RESET to reset the Interval  
Timer to the original time. If you press and hold STOP/RESET a  
second time you will clear the timer to 0.  
5. Press MODE (NEXT) to select the HEART RATE ZONE (None, 1-5,  
or C1-C5).  
6. Press Mode (NEXT) to select interval name (Interval #, WARM-UP,  
RATE (-).  
7. Press MODE (NEXT) to select STOP AT END or REPEAT AT END  
with START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-). Repeat all these steps  
until you have set all intervals needed for your workout.  
H appears in Time display when interval timer is running. j,  
appears when interval timer is running and set to repeat at end.  
• If you select REPEAT AT END the timer will countdown all  
intervals and then repeat the entire sequence.  
• INDIGLO® night-light flashes and the interval timer melody will  
8. Press SET when done.  
sound between each interval.  
Using the Interval Timer  
1. Tap the watch lens, or press START/SPLIT to start the Interval  
• The interval timer will continue to run if you exit the INT TIMER  
• If you want to view the Time of Day, press and hold MODE,  
release to return to current INT TIMER.  
2. An Interval timer melody chime will sound when the Timer  
reaches zero and then starts the next interval timer.  
The Timer is used to countdown a fixed event time. The timer can be  
set to repeat and countdown continuously, or to stop at the end of  
the countdown. You can use the TapScreenTechnology to activate  
and stop the timer at any time.  
INT 1  
(slow 3:00)  
INT 2  
(fast 2:00)  
Setting the Timer  
1. Press MODE until TIMER appears.  
• The display will show the label at the top of the timer (Interval#,  
• Timer will continue to run if you exit Timer mode.  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to begin setting the timer.  
3. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to increase/decrease the  
countdown timer values.  
• The INDIGLO® night-light flashes and the timer melody will  
sound when the timer countdowns to zero.  
4. Press MODE (NEXT) to advance to the next setting option.  
5. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to select STOP AT END or  
about recovery heart rate  
Heart rate recovery provides an indicator of fitness and training  
level. As you become more fit, your heart rate should return more  
quickly to a lower heart rate value at the end of your workout,  
indicating a higher level of cardiovascular fitness.  
a slower recovery rate might also indicate a need to take a  
break from training due to fatigue, illness, or other factors.  
Your recovery rate represents the change in your heart rate over a  
period of time. Your Digital Heart Rate Monitor records the change  
in your heart rate for any of five preset periods. To set the recovery  
timer duration:  
1. Press MODE until RECVRY appears.  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to clear the last thorough heart rate  
recovery reading, if necessary.  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to toggle a 30-second, one-, two-, five-, or  
ten-minute recovery time, or to turn the timer OFF.  
While running the chronograph, the recovery heart rate timer will  
begin automatically after pressing STOP/RESET/SET if the watch is  
receiving data from the Digital Heart Rate Sensor, and the recovery  
timer is set for a time duration.  
6. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to finish the setting process.  
Using the Timer  
1. Tap the watch lens, or press START/SPLIT to start Timer.  
2. A timer melody chime will sound when the Timer reaches zero  
and stops and repeats. The melody can be turned off with the  
press of any button.  
3. If you need to stop or pause the timer, tap the watch lens or  
4. When finished, press and hold STOP/RESET/SET to reset the  
Timer to the original time. If you Press and hold STOP/RESET/SET  
a second time you will clear the timer to 0.  
Note: If the Repeat timer is set under 15 seconds a single beep will  
ring between repetitions.  
H appears in Time display when Timer is running. j appears  
when timer is running and set to repeat at end.  
• For repeat Timer operation, repetition number appears on  
bottom of screen.  
• Maximum number of counted repetitions is 99.  
NoTE: The watch cannot record a recovery unless it is receiving a  
current heart rate and a valid pulse from the Digital Heart Rate  
Sensor. Without a current heart rate or if the ending rate is higher  
Data groupings appear in the order listed.  
Total Time: The amount of time the chronograph was running  
during your workout.  
than the starting heart rate, the display will read NO REC.  
To Manually Determine a recovery heart rate  
You can also manually initiate a recovery heart rate without  
stopping the chronograph by following these steps.  
1. Press MODE until RECVRY appears.  
2. Press STOP/RESET/SET to clear the last heart rate recovery  
reading, if necessary.  
laps Stored: The number of laps in the workout.  
Time In Zone: time spent in a pre-selected heart rate zone.  
average heart rate: The average achieved during a workout.  
Peak heart rate: The highest recorded during a workout.  
Minimum heart rate: The lowest recorded during a workout.  
Total Calories: The Calories burned during a workout.  
recovery heart rate: The result of the most recent recovery  
heart rate calculation.  
average lap: The average time of all laps recorded.  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to select a recovery time.  
4. Press START/SPLIT. The top line of the watch display will show  
the heart rate at the beginning of the recovery period (on the left)  
as well as your current heart rate. The bottom line will show the  
recovery countdown.  
best lap: The fastest lap recorded in the workout.  
lap or Split recall: The amount of time and average heart rate  
for the last 200 laps (segments) of your workout.  
5. After the countdown, the watch will beep indicating the end of  
the recovery period. The watch will capture your heart rate a  
second time, subtract the second value from the first value and  
display the difference as the recovery (R value).  
NoTE: The watch cannot start or record a recovery unless it is  
receiving a current heart rate and a valid pulse from the Digital  
Heart Rate Sensor. Without a current heart rate or if the ending rate  
is higher than the starting heart rate, the display will read NO REC.  
reviewing your Workout Data  
1. Press MODE until RECALL appears.  
2. Press START/SPLIT to select the date/time of the workout you  
want to review. Your workouts appear in reverse chronological  
3. Once you find the workout you want to review, press STOP/  
RESET/SET to review all the information saved in that workout.  
• Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to review your data  
• If your Target Time Pacer was ON, you will be able to review  
6. You can continue to initiate a recovery period by repeating steps  
2 through 4.  
The dated training log will enable you to review your CHRONO  
workout performance.  
your settings of the target time pacer (target pace, target  
distance and target total), your actual lap/split times, your delta  
results per lap (+/- from target time per lap with labels), Total  
delta time (if a Total Target Distance was set), best lap and  
average lap.  
To customize your digital heart rate monitor, follow these simple  
1. Press MODE until HRM SETUP appears. The screen will show the  
last item viewed or changed:  
• HR Format (BPM or %-Max)  
• Zone Alert (ON/OFF)  
• Target Zone (5 Based on Max HR or 5 Custom Ranges)  
• Max Heart Rate  
2. To choose another item to set up, press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART  
RATE (-).  
3. To set, press STOP/RESET/SET and a choice (or digit) will flash.  
4. Make the desired adjustment by pressing START/SPLIT (+) or  
HEART RATE (-). In some setting groups pressing START/SPLIT (+)  
will increase a value and pressing HEART RATE (-) will decrease a  
value. At other times pressing START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-)  
will toggle between two options or cycle through a setting group.  
4. Press SET (DONE) to exit.  
locking Workouts in recall  
Locking a workout prevents it from automatic deletion as new work-  
outs are performed.  
1. Press MODE until RECALL appears.  
2. Press START/SPLIT to scroll among your workout dates.  
3. Once you find the workout press and hold HEART RATE to LOCK.  
A small lock icon l will appear along with the workout date to  
confirm the data’s status.  
4. To unlock any workout repeat the three steps above and press  
and hold HEART RATE to UNLOCK.  
• In order to LOCK your latest workout you must reset the Chrono  
(00:00:00) to save the workout.  
• As the memory is filled (3 workouts maximum), the oldest  
unlocked workouts are automatically deleted.  
5. Press MODE (NEXT) to move to the next digit or setting group you  
want to set.  
6. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to save your changes and exit the  
setting process.  
If two workouts are locked and the memory has fewer than 30  
laps available, the watch will signal that memory is becoming full  
by displaying “x laps free”. Once no memory is available the watch  
will display “memory full” and it will be necessary to unlock saved  
workouts to free up the space for the next workout to be recalled.  
7. Press MODE to exit HRM SETUP.  
To Set a Target heart rate Zone  
You can choose one of the Preset Target Zones based on Max Heart  
Rate or set up to 5 custom Target Heart Rate Zones. Your Target  
Heart Rate Zone range will be displayed in the same manner as set  
up under HR Format.  
5. Press START/SPLIT (+) to increase, or press HEART RATE (-) to  
decrease the flashing value.  
The Preset Heart Rate Zones described in the table below are  
applied to your maximum heart rate.  
6. Press MODE (NEXT) to move to the next digit’s value.  
7. When you have finished setting the upper and lower target heart  
rate zone limits, you can press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to save  
your settings and exit the zone setting process.  
NoTE: You will not hear an out-of-zone indicator unless the  
HR-ZONE ALERT is set to “ON” in HRM Setup mode.  
The Custom Target Heart Rate Zone allows you to individualize your  
lower and upper target heart rate zone limits when the 10% range in  
the Preset Heart Rate Zones is either too large or too small for your  
exercise goals.  
lower lImit  
Upper limit  
Digital heart rate Monitor Notes & Tips  
• At any time during the setting process, you can save your  
changes and return to the main heart rate display by pressing  
• While setting the watch, if you do not press any buttons on the  
watch for a period of 2 to 3 minutes, the watch will automatical-  
ly save whatever changes you have made and exit the setting  
To Choose a Target heart rate Zone  
1. Press MODE until HRM SETUP appears.  
2. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) until HR-ZONE appears  
with a zone on the middle line and a range on the bottom line of  
the display.  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to enter the Zone Selection setting  
process, and then press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to  
cycle through the target heart rate zones (labeled ZONE 1 to  
ZONE 5 or ZONE C1 to ZONE C5).  
4. To select any Target Heart Rate Zone, press STOP/RESET/SET  
(DONE), or to set a Custom Target Heart Rate Zone range, press  
Entry of this information helps to personalize and refine the Calories  
Burned data computed by the digital heart rate monitor.  
1. Press MODE until USER INFO appears. The screen will show the  
last item viewed or changed:  
• Birthday  
• Weight (pounds or kilograms)  
• Height (inches or centimeters)  
• Activity Type (Bike, Brick, Hike, Interval, Other, Race, Row, Run,  
Ski, Strength, Walk, X-Train)  
• Activity Level (Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High)  
• Gender (Male or Female)  
2. To choose another item to set up, press START/SPLIT (+) or  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to enter the setting process.  
4. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) to cycle through the  
choices, and press MODE (NEXT) to advance to the next setting  
change alarm time and how often you would like the alarm to  
sound (ONCE, DAILY, WKDAY, WKEND, or a particular day of the  
5. Press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to confirm and exit.  
6. Press START/SPLIT to turn any Alarm ON or OFF. If the Alarm is  
activated, the frequency of the alarm will show in the bottom line  
of the display.  
• When the Alarm is on, x appears in Time display.  
• When the Alarm reaches its set time the INDIGLO® night-light  
and the alarm icon flash, and the alert sounds. Press any button  
to silence.  
• If no button is pressed, the alert will cease after 20 seconds and  
a backup alarm will activate after 5 minutes.  
NoTE: It is not necessary for a heart rate value to appear on the  
display during this test.  
5. When you are finished, press STOP/RESET/SET (DONE) to confirm  
the User Info setting.  
6. Repeat Steps 2-5 as necessary to complete all of your custom  
Digital heart rate Monitor  
• To avoid build up of materials that can interfere with the Digital  
Heart Rate Monitor’s ability to receive a valid pulse, rinse the  
Digital Heart Rate Sensor with fresh water.  
• Do not clean the Digital Heart Rate Monitor sensor or chest  
strap with abrasive or corrosive materials. Abrasive cleaning  
agents may scratch the plastic parts and corrode the electronic  
Up to three alarms may be set to remind you of upcoming events.  
You can customize by day according to your needs.  
1. Press MODE until ALARM appears.  
2. Press HEART RATE to select Alarm 1, 2, or 3.  
3. Press STOP/RESET/SET to set selected alarm.  
4. Press START/SPLIT (+) or HEART RATE (-) and MODE (NEXT) to  
• Do not subject the Digital Heart Rate Monitor to excessive force,  
shock, dust, temperature, or humidity. Such treatment may  
result in malfunction, a shorter electronic life span, damaged  
batteries, or distorted parts.  
• Do not tamper with the Digital Heart Rate Monitor’s internal  
components. Doing so will terminate the Monitor’s warranty  
and may cause damage.  
1. Open the Sensor battery lid with a coin, turning the coin counter-  
2. Replace the battery with a new CR2032, 3V lithium battery with  
(+) facing you, taking care not to touch the two contacts and  
discharge the battery.  
3. When you have finished inserting the battery, press the reset  
button (located in the lower left corner) with a toothpick or  
straightened paper clip and close the lid with a coin -- screwing  
in a clockwise direction.  
• The Digital Heart Rate Monitor contains no user-serviceable  
parts, except batteries.  
To test the new battery after you have inserted it:  
1. Move away from any possible sources of electrical or radio  
2. Wet the Digital Heart Rate Sensor pads and securely fasten the  
chest strap below your sternum.  
3. While wearing the watch, press the HEART RATE button. A set of  
three dashes (- - -) and the flashing heart rate icon will appear on  
the display.  
Digital heart rate Sensor battery  
If your heart rate readings become erratic or stop, you may need  
to replace the battery on your Digital Heart Rate Sensor. You can  
change the battery yourself without any special tools.  
This product uses a CR2032 lithium battery for the Digital Heart Rate  
Sensor. To change the battery:  
4. If you do not see a flashing heart icon on your watch, reinstall the  
sensor battery.  
NoTE: It is not necessary for a heart rate value to appear on the  
display during this test.  
Digital heart rate Sensor  
• Your 30 Meter Water Resistant Digital Heart Rate Sensor can  
withstand water pressure to 60 p.s.i. (equals immersion to  
98 feet or 30 meters below sea level).  
Watch battery  
When the battery of the watch is running low, the display or  
INDIGLO® night-light will dim. This watch uses a CR2025 lithium  
WarNING: ThIS UNIT WIll NoT TraNSMIT yoUr hEarT raTE  
To avoid the possibility of permanently damaging the watch, TIMEX  
WhEN oPEraTED IN or UNDEr WaTEr.  
WarraNTy & SErvICE  
Timex International Warranty (U.S. limited Warranty)  
Press the INDIGLO® button to activate the night-light. This electrolu-  
minescent technology illuminates the watch display at night and in  
low light conditions.  
Your Timex® Digital Heart Rate Monitor is warranted against manufacturing defects by Timex for  
a period of ONE YEAR from the original purchase date. Timex Group USA, Inc and its worldwide  
affiliates will honor this International Warranty.  
Please note that Timex may, at its option, repair your Heart Rate Monitor by installing new or  
thoroughly reconditioned and inspected components or replace it with an identical or similar  
• Your 100 Meter Water Resistant watch withstands water  
pressure to 200 p.s.i. (equals immersion to 328 feet or  
100 meters below sea level).  
• The watch is only water-resistant as long as the lens,  
pushbuttons, and case remain intact.  
• Timex recommends rinsing your watch with fresh water after  
exposure to salt water.  
1. after the warranty period expires;  
2. if the Heart Rate Monitor was not originally purchased from an authorized Timex retailer;  
3. from repair services not performed by Timex;  
4. from accidents, tampering or abuse; and  
5. lens or crystal, strap or band, Heart Rate Monitor case, attachments or battery. Timex may  
charge you for replacing any of these parts.  
aNy bUTToNS UNDEr WaTEr.  
countries and states do not allow limitations on implied warranties and do not allow exclusions  
or limitations on damages, so these limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you  
specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from country to country and  
state to state.  
ThIS IS yoUr rEPaIr CoUPoN. KEEP IT IN a SaFE PlaCE.  
To obtain warranty service, please return your Heart Rate Monitor to Timex, one of its affiliates  
or the Timex retailer where the Heart Rate Monitor was purchased, together with a completed  
original Repair Coupon or, in the U.S. and Canada only, the completed original Repair Coupon  
or a written statement identifying your name, address, telephone number and date and place  
of purchase. Please include the following with your Heart Rate Monitor to cover postage and  
handling (this is not a repair charge): a US $8.00 check or money order in the U.S.; a CAN $7.00  
cheque or money order in Canada; and a UK£2.50 cheque or money order in the U.K. In other  
countries, Timex will charge you for postage and handling. NEVER INCLUDE ANY ARTICLE OF  
Original Purchase Date: ______________________________________________  
(attach a copy of sales receipt, if available)  
Purchased By:_______________________________________________________  
(name, address, telephone number)  
For the U.S., please call 1-800-328-2677 for additional warranty information. For Canada, call  
1-800-263-0981. For Brazil, call +55 (11) 5572 9733. For Mexico, call 01-800-01-060-00. For  
Central America, the Caribbean, Bermuda and the Bahamas, call (501) 370-5775 (U.S.). For Asia,  
call 852-2815-0091. For the U.K., call 44 208 687 9620. For Portugal, call 351 212 946 017. For  
France, call 33 3 81 63 42 00. For Germany, call 49 7 231 494140. For the Middle East and Africa,  
call 971-4-310850. For other areas, please contact your local Timex retailer or Timex distributor  
for warranty information. In Canada, the U.S. and in certain other locations, participating Timex  
retailers can provide you with a postage-paid, pre-addressed Heart Rate Monitor Repair Mailer  
for your convenience in obtaining factory service.  
Place of Purchase:___________________________________________________  
(name and address)  
Reason for Return ___________________________________________________  
If your Timex® Digital Heart Rate Monitor should ever need servicing, send it to Timex as set  
forth in the Timex International Warranty or addressed to:  
HOTLINE WATCH SERVICE, P.O. Box 2740, Little Rock, AR 72203  
For service questions, call 1-800-328-2677.  
For your convenience in obtaining factory service, participating Timex retailers can provide you  
with a pre-addressed Heart Rate Monitor Repair Mailer.  
See the Timex International Warranty for specific instructions on the care and service of your  
Timex® Digital Heart Rate Monitor.  
Should you need a replacement strap or band, call 1-800-328-2677.  
FCC NoTICE (U.S.) / IC NoTICE (CaNaDa):  
DEClaraTIoN oF CoNForMITy  
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  
conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept  
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  
Manufacturers Name:  
Timex Group USA, Inc.  
555 Christian Road  
Manufacturers address:  
Middlebury, CT 06762  
United States of America  
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible  
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  
declares that the product:  
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable  
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,  
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with  
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is  
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does  
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning  
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
Product Name:  
TAP Digital Heart Rate Monitor  
M103 & M640  
Model Numbers:  
conforms to the following specifications:  
r&TTE: 1999/05/EC  
Model 103  
CENELEC EN 55022:2006+A1:2007  
CFR47 FCC Part 15 Subpart B:2011  
VCCI V-3/2010.04  
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
IC RSS-310 Issue 3 December 2010  
IC RSS-Gen Issue 3 December 2010  
IC ICES-003 Issue 4 February 2004  
AS/NZS Cispr 22:2009  
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver  
is connected.  
lvD: 2006/95/EC  
Model 103  
CENELEC EN 60950-1  
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.  
This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la  
classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada  
lvD: 73/23/EEC  
Model 640  
IEC 60950  
EMC: 89/336/EEC  
Model 640  
Radiated Emission 30 MHz to 1000 MHz E-Field (Electric).  
Radiated Immunity 80 MHz to 1000 MHz. Ref. EN61000-4-3  
ESD Electrostatic discharge. Ref. EN61000-4-2  
Radiated Immunity 900 MHz. Ref. ENV50204  
Supplemental Information: The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Radio  
& Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/05/EC, the Low Voltage Direc-  
tive 2006/95/EC, 73/23/EEC, EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and carries the CE and 7 marking  
David Wimer  
Quality Assurance Project Engineer  
Date: 27 July, 2011, Middlebury, Connecticut, U.S.A.  
©2011 Timex Group USA, Inc. TIMEX, INDIGLO, TAPSCREEN and NIGHT-MODE are  
registered trademarks of Timex Group B.V. and its subsidiaries. IRONMAN and  
M-DOT are registered trademarks of World Triathlon Corporation. Used here by  

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